We have streamlined the site to provide 4 basic functions:

  1. The current parashah readings and schedule for readers will be posted on the opening page.
  2. A tab/page for the Shabbat Morning webinar (viewable through this site)
    1. The online video and chat will be turned on just prior to a shabbat or festival meeting.
    2. If you are experiencing audio or video problems – check the chat window to see if others are having the same difficulty
    3. It may be necessary to refresh the browser window once the video has started
  3. The Forum – a place for community members to share
  4. Our Library – search for books or video resources available from the Beit Hallel Library (contact Gary Springer or Beth Hennigan if you need help checking out a resource)

If you have any further questions about accessing the site or our online meetings please email Gary at gspringer@torahresource.com