Sukkot  •
Thursday evening, October 17
Sitting in the Sukkat at the shul, 7:00pm
(bring nosh/finger food to share in the Sukkah)

We will continuing our reading of Qohelet (Ecclesiastes).
Call 253-208-2716 to get our address and directions to our meeting place.

• Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem •
As we gather together for the festival of Sukkot, let us uphold the Land of Israel in our prayers.
For the war that is taking place against Israel continues.
Surely our Lord is powerful to protect and give victory to His chosen people.
And may the hand and power of the Almighty in protecting Israel cause many
to turn to Him and receive and confess Yeshua as their Savior and Eternal King.
   ̏Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. May peace be within your walls,
and prosperity within your palaces.˝ (Psalm 122:6-7)



We will be reading the Parashah, then continuing our reading in Qohelet
while we sit & eat in the Sukkah.

Parashah for Sukkot:
   • Torah: Leviticus 22:26–23:44
   • Haftarah: Numbers 29:12–16 & Zech 14:1–21
   • Apostolic: John 1:1–18
•  Qohelet –NASB: PDF
   • Notes for Parashah Sukkot – (Click to download) – PDF